The legal sanction in every
country: The demarcation of borders has made the law of the land more stringent.
There are personnel who are guarding the borders with their life to check
infiltration. There are many factors which led the government of respective
countries to take stand on the border issue, getting bigger with time.The problem
of terrorism, immigration, etc. had led the government of a country to take
care of the citizens. The government of a country determines the rules for the
nationals of other countries,coming to their country for better scope, exposure
& livelihood. There are many countries whose law of the land is lenient,
made for the convenience of the people coming to their land. Like USA, where a
citizen of another country can apply for the citizenship of USA. The children
born in USA are given the citizenship of USA no matter from where their
parent’s belong. Europe has also special citizenship law which is not as
flexible as USA. But there is no doubt that every country in this world has
separate rules for the citizens & non-citizens. It’s very natural that the
citizens are given all the facilities in comparison to the non-nationals.
The complex process of
immigration law: This law varies from country to country. In Europe, especially
in Germany& insome parts of the world the law is less strict compared to
countries that have stern immigration laws. Immigration is a movement where nationals
of one country migrate from their native country to settle in another country
for better employment facilities. The coming of such people creates pressure on
the economy as well as the job sector of the citizens of the country where the
migration took place increasing the concern of the authorities. Immigration law firm Jacksonville has
competent lawyers who fight cases helping the families of the immigrants to
stay together safely in migrant country by helping them to get the citizenship
or visa. They also provide relief to the government from the problem of
immigration which is unlawful.
Thus, the immigration law firms
help the families of the migrants facing trial in foreign countries.